It snowed in every state in the U.S. last month, except for Hawaii.
The storms were particularly brutal in the Washington, DC area, where they experienced a record snowfall that paralyzed the city for days.
New Yorkers experienced a good deal of winter-weather as well, with two rare snow-days for public school students. Yet, business continued as usual, with oblivious New Yorkers bustling around the city as usual. How does snow affect us so little?
Based on National Climatic Data Center records, New York State is home to the snowiest cities in the United States. Syracuse averages 115 inches of snow per year, and Rochester, 93.
Buffalo once experienced a 39-inch snowfall in a 24-hour period.
These are records for New York State, however, not the City. The more likely reason for our apathy is the convenience of an almost weather-proof underground system of transportation that eliminates the necessity to drive under treacherous weather conditions.
So, no, we’re not super-people. We’ve been described as rude and abrasive, jaded and impervious.
Flasher on the subway? Most of us wouldn’t flinch. Naked Cowboy running for mayor? Uh… okay. This is NEW YORK.
So what’s a little bit of snow?