June... When the lazy days of summer really begin. Kids are playing, sandals and shades become commodities, and life is just... good. My only gripe? Weddings.
Don't shake your head at me-you know what I mean. It's a recession, people! And statistically, 37% of marriages end in divorce. That's more than a third, and almost half! Is it really worth the hassle and expense?
We're being hornswaggled, people! This wedding thing is a racket; a way to accumulate goods at the expense of your friends and loved ones. Well, I say, let's make a stand! We don't have to encourage this blatant misuse of friendship!
Clearly, I'm standing by myself. No, I'm not the grumpy, single chick, hating on "love". I'm happily single, thank you-and my status has absolutely nothing to do with my stance on this wedding racket.But fine. I'll humor you all. Another wedding, another $400 down the drain. I'll just make the most of it at the reception bar.
I have to admit, though-it is a nice reception. The hall is elegant, with subdued lighting and muted tones. The bride looks gorgeous and her husband is looking at her as if they've only just met. Can that really be sincere?
Brian McKnight sings about his Crazy Love as the husband and wife are announced. They opted for a DJ during dinner and a band afterwards, and this DJ can vibe.
What a spectacular floral arrangement! The entire wedding was arranged by JunePlumm Events, an amazing wedding planner whom I happen to know personally, so I'm not at all surprised by the elegance.
I love the wait staff. My glass hasn't been allowed to fall below the halfway mark all evening, and dinner was amazing. It began with delicious warm Corn Muffins with Pineapple Apricot Sauce and yummy Coconut Shrimp appetizers, followed by spicy Cajun Blackened Salmon with steamed Spinach and Seasoned Rice. (From Soulé, of course!)
I don't know how the tradition of tapping your glass with a knife became a signal for the bride and groom to kiss, but it's really not as annoying as I'd anticipated. Kind of sweet, actually; a musical chime followed by a pause and kiss. It seems like the bride and groom look forward to these interruptions... how odd.
They're dancing now; gazing into each other's eyes as if they're all alone. It's such a private moment, and yet, I don't feel as if I'm violating their privacy by watching.
Champagne goes to my head so quickly. I'm not even a tad self-conscious as I head to join everyone on the dance floor. The Electric Slide is so corny... and so much fun! We did another variation that was pretty cool as well: the Cha Cha Cha.
The wedding cake is magnificent. It's almost a shame to cut it, but cut it, we must. As the bride places the cake delicately into her husband's mouth, their eyes remain locked, ending only when she kisses away the icing on his lips. I just don't understand... how can they be surrounded by so many people and still keep having these private moments? Are they for real?
I guess it has to be attributed to... you know... don't make me say it... (groan)
Okay, time for the bride to throw the bouquet. I'm not going out there. Yes, I'm single, but I don't want to catch it, so why bother? Okay, okay... just to be a good sport.
You know, maybe it's a racket, and maybe it's not. But I can kind of understand why someone might want to do this.
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