Sep 11, 2009

Soule Restaurant: Help to Eradicate the Silent Killer

Ovarian Cancer occurs in 1 in 57 women, and kills more women than all the other gynecological cancers combined. More than 25,500 women will be diagnosed this year alone, with fatalities occurring in over 14,500.

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and Soulé International Restaurant is proud to join Janice’s Ladies; a team in the Long Island Chapter of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, in their fight to eradicate this Silent Killer.
The team is named for Janice Darby Havercombe, who succumbed to Ovarian Cancer in April of 1997.

Like many, Janice’s family had no idea that Ovarian Cancer is a leading cause of cancer related death amongst women.

They had no idea that Ovarian Cancer is commonly asymptomatic or mistaken for other "women's illnesses".

They had no idea that by the time most women are diagnosed, they are usually in stage 3 or 4, making a cure difficult.

They had no idea that regular gynecological exams do not screen for Ovarian Cancer.

They had no idea that a fleeting nine months after receiving the diagnosis, their beloved mother, sister, cousin, daughter, would succumb to this horrible disease.

They had no idea how much their life would change due to these four vile words "You have Ovarian Cancer".

The 2009 Walk to Break the Silence on Ovarian Cancer will take place on September 26th at Eisenhower Park in East Meadow, New York.

Details on this year’s walk is available at, where you have the option to join Janice’s Ladies and walk or donate at your convenience.

All contributors who donate a minimum of $20 at Soulé will receive 10% off their order. (Lesser donations will receive a 5% discount.)

For further information, please contact Nichole at

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