As I write this on the morning of the Parade in New York for the World Champion New York Yankees (27th Championship... next Closest? Oakland Athletics, 9) I feel pride.
I am not a bandwagon fan like others. I remember when the REAL R. Kelly (Jheri Curl Spokesman Roberto Kelly) patrolled Centerfield, before Bernabe Figueroa Williams played.
I remember when Matt Nokes was our best player.
Yeah. “Who?”
So I tip my 2009 World Series Champion Fitted to Alexander Emmanuel Rodriguez, Derek Sanderson Jeter, Andrew Eugene Pettitte, and Justin Louis Heath.
(Look up who that is... may surprise you.)
I bring this up to ask: who will have a parade for me?
I paid my rent.
I want a parade.
I made it to work on time.
Parade ME.
I had a good date.
I wanna get... Um... Might rhyme with parade. (Hint: it also rhymes with Pet Made.)
Someone sent me a beat this morning and I listened to it while getting ready to go to the plantation. (aka work)
For those that don't know, I also do music. Your favorite klown, ILL Wayne Gacey.
When I record it, I'll share.
Follow me on Twitter, too, @ILLWayneGacey. I have 90 followers. Five people and 85 spambots.
Yay, me!
On a serious note, condolences to the families of the victims of the unfortunate incident at Fort Hood.
Victor Torres
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