Dec 1, 2009
Soule Restaurant:
Number ten: Quit smoking.
But then I’ll have to be like the nonsmokers in the office with no breaks!
Number nine: Get a better job.
Actually… maybe I should just focus on getting A JOB.
Number eight: Go back to school.
Wait… tuition is HOW MUCH?
Number seven: Spend more time with family.
Yes… even the cousin with the gastrointestinal disorder…
Number six: Start going to church every Sunday.
Do they have intermission?
Number five: Get out of debt.
First… get a job.
Number four: Start going out more often, living life.
See number five.
Number three: Start traveling more often.
See number five.
Number two: Find a soul mate.
…I’ll start at Soulé.
Number one: Lose the belly bulge.
My diet starts NOW. Right after I finish this burger with fries…
Soule Restaurant: Spotlight on ARGENTINA
Argentina is the 4th largest company in the Americas; its territory encompasses mountains, plains, forests, arid zones, and ice fields.
The country has a heavy European influence, with architecture reminiscent to that of Barcelona, Paris and Rome. The official language is Spanish, however, Italian is also frequently used; the language of its largest immigrant group.
Argentines have an excellent system of education, and generally possess very refined tastes and customs. They take great pride in their dance, art and architecture.
Although the point of origin for many dances, the Argentine Tango dominates others in popularity. Museums, galleries and great architecture can be found in abundance in the capitol city, Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires’ weather remains temperate all year round, with warm temperatures from September to April and mild winter months from June to August.
The book readers in the outdoor cafés, the dancers in the smoky tango bars, and the passionate citizens discussing government and futbol on the street-corners are all part of the essence of Buenos Aires.
The city has one of the greatest entertainment and nightlife hubs in the world.
Soule Restaurant: December Highlights
* In partnership with iShop Brooklyn, Soulé is now offering 3-course meals for $23 during the month of December!
* Join Soulé and New York Cares in our effort to keep New York Warm! Soulé is proud to be a part of this vital mission, and we appreciate any and all contributions of gently used outerwear.
Soule Restaurant: Coconut Curry Salmon
Soule Restaurant: Capitalistic Christmas
"Christmas is an invention of a capitalistic society. It's just a way for retailers to make everyone spend money."
"We shouldn't need society to dictate when we buy gifts for loved ones. This should be done all year long..."
We all have one of those friends, I think. The Grinch around the holidays, condemning goodwill as evil… but if you think about it, they have a point.
We should show how much we care all year long, and with our actions rather than gifts. But really, we don't.
We get caught up with working and school and paying bills and taking care of the needs of our families and thoughtfulness is placed on the back burner.
So yes, maybe it IS a way to put retailers in the black. And maybe it HAS become a commercial holiday dictated by society to force us to acknowledge our loved ones every year.
And maybe we need one of these in June too.
Soule Restaurant's Food Facts: Chocolate
Cocoa beans are a rich source of magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium and manganese, A, B1, B2, B3, C, E and pantothenic acid.
They also contain a large amount of polyphenols and are known to reduce high blood pressure as well as reduce the blood’s ability to clot, effectively lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Phenylethylamine, also found in cocoa, is an antidepressant and stimulant similar to dopamine and adrenaline.
Cocoa increases levels of Serotonin in the brain; these levels are often decreased in people with depression and in those experiencing PMS symptoms.
But don’t get too excited…
Cocoa beans contain approximately 50% fat, and the calorie count for chocolate is very high because of the fat and sugar content.
A small square of dark bittersweet chocolate every three days is ideal for cardiovascular health, but the negative affects of eating more outweighs the positive.
Soule Restaurant: Christmas in the City
The Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular.
It's like Rockefeller Center; synonymous with Christmas in New York. I've always wanted to go, but tickets are pretty expensive.
And so, bubbling with excitement, I rushed to the office to call my brother Alex after being handed a discount card with ticket codes that gave 50% off.
"We can get tickets to Radio City's Christmas Spectacular for just $50!"
"You're on your own, son."
"The Christmas Spectacular doesn't even have a story line. It's just a lot of holiday crap thrown together. "
I hung up, pretty dejected. It would've been such a nice addition to our family holiday outing.
Maybe I could persuade Alex if I got my other brother Richard on-board. I'll just plan the entire day first so they'll both see how exciting this outing will be.
We'll meet at the ice skating rink at 42nd Street, Bryant Park. The line to ice skate is usually about 2-hours long, but it's fun with all the kids. We'll skate for maybe an hour. If we start at noon, we'll be done by 3pm. The exertion from skating is warming but my hands always remain cold. Hot chocolate warms them nicely, immediately afterwards.
This year, I want to add Toys R Us to our itinerary. They have a life-size dinosaur replica from Jurassic Park that moves and roars and menaces the crowd.
It's so cool.
The ferris wheel is pretty corny, but we have to ride it.
'Cause it's THERE.
My absolute favorite part of the 42nd Street Toys R Us is the CANDY section! It's like being in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory with machines filled with giant Gummy Snakes and Swedish Fish and Sour Power and Chocolate Turtles and Raisinettes and Goobers and Skittles and M&Ms and anything else you can think of! And they have lollipops as big as our heads!
Okay… deep breath.
We’ll go to Toys R Us.
After Toys R Us, we'll head uptown to take pictures by the Rockefeller Center tree and angels. Then we'll watch Saks Fifth Avenue's snowflake light show before crossing Fifth Avenue to check out their storybook windows.
They're always pretty cool.
From Saks, we'll head further uptown, over to 56th and 5th, where we can check out the beautiful Tiffany Snowflake, suspended at the intersection, high above the street.
FAO Schwartz is right around the corner from Tiffany's. They have the coolest toys... Even a working Lamborghini for kids!! Of course we're not in the market for these $40,000 toys, but we'll stop and play a bit.
By my calculations, it should now be around 8:00pm. I'll have to find a restaurant in this vicinity with a private room that's large enough to hold us all. With my brothers and sister and kids, there will be a minimum of 16 people.
We'll be done with dinner by... Well, by then it'll be way too late for the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular.
Yet, I'm not all that disappointed... Anymore.
Happy Holidays!
Soule Restaurant: From the Mind of ILL
Happy holidays, readers of the Mind of ILL.
I have always hated the Christmas season. I'm a Scrooge. And a Grinch. A Scrinch, if you will.
December first is when kids start behaving, believing that these three weeks will erase everything prior; that you’ll forget all about the 62 they got on that science test.
And they come up with Christmas lists that are longer than the reasons why I should not be allowed to write.
Reason #641: I believe if you make up a word up and someone understands the meaning, it’s a word. (i.e. “Betterer,” which means better than better.)
My daughter emailed me (yes... emailed me) a Christmas list with 26 things on it.
She's gonna get them cause she's been good all year.
But... Who will help me with my list? Ladies & Gentlemen... And Low-Lifes... My Christmas Wish List For 2009:
1) I want all reality shows on TV to go away. Please. I should not know that Jon & Kate have 8 and are getting divorced.
2) I would like President Barrack Hussein Obama to share his Nobel Peace Prize with the Smuckers Corporation. Why? Goober Grape. It’s Peanut Butter. And Jelly. In ONE JAR!!! One Jar!!!
3) Between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day, ALL jobs should have 4 day work weeks. Including mass transit. Except liquor stores. And Soulé. (Workin' on that free meal.)
4) I want a PS3. Paypal me and I'll video tape my purchasing said game system.
Happy Holidays!
Follow me on Twitter @ILLWayneGacey.
Soule Restaurant: The Buzz
After inflating rent, Brooklyn landlords find storefront empty during sour economic times… The windows of more than 20 Clinton Hill small businesses were painted, stained and decorated last week by Brooklyn artists competing to become the Monet of Myrtle Ave… Legions of overjoyed Yankee fans were reporting similar symptoms - and coming up with all kinds of excuses - so they could be at the Bronx Bombers World Series victory parade… Mayor Bloomberg may have squeaked out a third term across the city - but if it was up to Brooklyn voters he would have been tossed out… 120 years ago this month, the last hanging in New York State took place at Raymond Street Jail, the turreted palace of punishment on what is now Ashland Place near Willoughby Street… Brown Memorial Baptist Church is holding a Gala fund raiser for restoration work of its 1860 early-Romanesque revival building, constructed in 1860. Councilwoman Letitia James will be guest speaker… Chanukah festivities and public Menorah lightings in Fort Greene and Clinton hill for more info or for a free menorah or candles email or call 718-974-9472… Join Melanie Levander for a gingerbread house workshop! Limited space is available. E-mail to reserve a spot now.
Nov 1, 2009
Soule Restaurant: Peace at Last?
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to President Barack Hussein Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.
And the world responds.
“It confirms, finally, America's return to the hearts of the people of the world... you can count on my resolute support and that of France.” …French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
“In a short time he has established a new tone, creating a willingness for dialogue… we all should support him to make peace in this world possible.” …Angela Merkel, German Chancellor
“I am really pleased. I want to congratulate him from my heart. I've seen the world changing since President Obama took office...” …Yukio Hatoyama, Japanese Prime Minister
“…His will and efforts for creating friendly and good relations at global level and global peace make him the appropriate recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.” …Siamak Hirai, Spokesman for Afghan President Hamid Karzai “You have already inspired so many people around the world… this award also expresses the hope that your presidency will usher in a new era of peace and reconciliation…”
…Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister
“I am happy. What Obama did during his presidency is a big signal, he gave hope. In these hard times, people who are capable of taking responsibility, who have a vision, commitment and political will should be supported.”
…Mikhail Gorbachev, Former Soviet Leader And Nobel Prize Winner
“We condemn the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for Obama. We condemn the institute's awarding him the peace prize. We condemn this year's peace prize as unjust.”
…Taliban Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid
“…It is unfortunate that the president’s star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights...”
…Michael Steele, Republican Party Chairman
Is it me, or is Michael Steele totally in sync with the Taliban?
…maybe it’s just me.
Soule Restaurant Cares!
Soule Restaurant: Announcements
Soulé is available for catering on and off premises.
Special Events listed on
Look for us on facebook!
Special Events listed on
Look for us on facebook!
Soule Restaurant: Coconut Shrimp
Soule Restaurant: Happy Thanksgiving!
The first Thanksgiving was a feast in celebration of the pilgrim’s first harvest.
The Native Americans provided four deer for the feast, and the pilgrims’ contributed wild fowl. Lobster, goose, duck, seal, eel, and cod were also plentiful during that period, so it is likely that their tables possessed a good variety. Yet, turkey has become synonymous with Thanksgiving in America, and historians are unable to give a definitive reason why.
Maybe it was just the delicious scent of roasting turkey with fresh cornbread stuffing and cranberry sauce, accompanied by candied yams and macaroni and cheese, and collard greens. (Callaloo if you’re Caribbean!)
The sweet pumpkin pie with whipped cream that follows dinner so perfectly…
All of the, combined with a day of watching football; the parade; the official start of the holiday season. With family and friends together, giving thanks for home, health and heart.
Yum…works for me!
Soule Restaurant's Food Facts: Corn
Corn is America's number one field crop, used as much more than a food source; fuel alcohol, which makes gasoline burn cleaner and effectively reducing pollution is made from corn.
Corncobs, finely ground, are very absorbent, making them useful carriers for pesticides, fertilizers, vitamins, hand soaps, cosmetics, and animal litters. They are also useful in the production of paper products, paint and varnish, and as a clear covering for aspirin.
Corn as a food source is a fair source of vitamins B1, B5, C, E, folic acid, magnesium and phosphorus.
It is low in protein, and a good source of complex carbohydrate, fiber, and healthful essential fatty acids.
If interested in weight loss, it’s a good idea to limit your consumption of corn; it is more suitable for those trying to gain weight.
Soule Restaurant: Just Another Day... US ARMY
0430. They can’t be serious.
Who would’ve thought that eight weeks could drag on like this? The thought doesn’t slow me down. Brooding has to be done while multitasking during Basic Training for the U.S. Army.
I sleep on top of my blanket to save time in the morning, covering with the rough, green blanket that functions as a pillow cover. I fold the blanket lengthwise twice and lay it across the pillow, tucking the ends into the sides beneath the mattress before getting under the bed and pulling the main blanket tighter through the bedsprings.
There. A quarter can bounce on that easily.
I sleep in my PT (Physical Training) uniform so in the morning, I only have to brush my teeth and go.
After returning from the latrine, I close my combination lock and dial the first two numbers; after PT I’ll only have to turn to the last and it’s open. My secret; no one knows how I’m always the first in the shower.
I grab my sneakers and head for the stairs where I pause to put them on. (We buff the floors at night for morning inspection; only socks are allowed on the floor of the barracks.)
0440. Five more minutes to formation. Plenty of time.
My buddy PVT Slaughter waits impatiently at the steps for me.
“You know today’s the unit run, right?”
Goodness... I was resigned to a cardio day, which was only three miles. The unit run meant six.
We ran to formation, and were soon off to the field to rendezvous with the rest of the unit. It was February in South Carolina; not yet dawn, and cold enough to see your breath. We weren’t upset; we’d warm up from our run soon enough.
Our company normally split into four groups before a run with group one comprised of the fastest, and group four the slowest. For a unit run, however, we would run together at a slower pace with a designated Guide On up front holding our Bravo Company flag.
As we arrive at the parade grounds, PVT Navarez begins her normal banter.
“Mayers, I dare you to take the guide-on,” she says.
“I dare you.”
“You first.”
“Last time I went first, you flaked. You first.”
“Alright,” Navarez answers, surprisingly, because she’s not a strong runner and is normally grumpy on cardio days.
Picking up speed, she heads to the front, taking the flag from our Guide On and sprinting towards Alpha Company, who are positioned ahead of us in our running formation. She proceeds to run a circle around them as they run at a normal pace.
When I see her returning, I start to the front to meet her at the Guide On. Handing it over, she says, “I ran around the whole company.”
(Sigh.) There are four platoons in a company, so that meant I’d have to circle all four as they ran.
“Cool,” I responded.
I was the leader of the fast running group and she was in group three. No way I couldn’t do this.
The purpose of this exercise is to antagonize the other unit by demonstrating superior ability, and this display of arrogance isn’t complete without cadence.
I sprinted, passing the first and second platoons easily enough while singing at the top of my lungs:
Down by the river
I took a little walk
Me and Alpha Company
Had a little talk
I pushed’em, I shoved’em
Threw’em in the river
Watched them drown
No more Alphas
Hanging around
By the third platoon, I slowed down, just a little. I had to pick up speed to give them a wide enough berth to cross in front on the return. I reached the front feeling good; the decelerated pace and singing of cadence had helped to regulate my breathing. I took my time running back to my platoon, allowing them to meet me.
Handing the flag back to our Guide On, I took my place in formation besides Navarez, where she and Slaughter could barely contain themselves.
“What?” I asked.
“Did you run around the company?”
“Yes,” I said, ready to argue in case they didn’t believe me.
“I only ran around one platoon,” Navarez laughed, stumbling and almost causing the soldier behind her to run into her.
I shook my head, laughing… I’d been bamboozled.
We continued the run in a pretty good mood, at a pace much slower than I usually had to maintain running in the fast group, so I was breathing easily.
At mile five, I glanced sideways; the First Sargeant now kept pace beside me.
“Mayers. Go help the Guide On,” he challenged.
I smiled.
“No problem, First Sargeant,” I replied.
Please note: This is not to make light the experiences of our troops; rather, we should appreciate their sacrifices for the sake of our country and its citizens. All done with pride.
Soule Restaurant: From the Mind of ILL
As I write this on the morning of the Parade in New York for the World Champion New York Yankees (27th Championship... next Closest? Oakland Athletics, 9) I feel pride.
I am not a bandwagon fan like others. I remember when the REAL R. Kelly (Jheri Curl Spokesman Roberto Kelly) patrolled Centerfield, before Bernabe Figueroa Williams played.
I remember when Matt Nokes was our best player.
Yeah. “Who?”
So I tip my 2009 World Series Champion Fitted to Alexander Emmanuel Rodriguez, Derek Sanderson Jeter, Andrew Eugene Pettitte, and Justin Louis Heath.
(Look up who that is... may surprise you.)
I bring this up to ask: who will have a parade for me?
I paid my rent.
I want a parade.
I made it to work on time.
Parade ME.
I had a good date.
I wanna get... Um... Might rhyme with parade. (Hint: it also rhymes with Pet Made.)
Someone sent me a beat this morning and I listened to it while getting ready to go to the plantation. (aka work)
For those that don't know, I also do music. Your favorite klown, ILL Wayne Gacey.
When I record it, I'll share.
Follow me on Twitter, too, @ILLWayneGacey. I have 90 followers. Five people and 85 spambots.
Yay, me!
On a serious note, condolences to the families of the victims of the unfortunate incident at Fort Hood.
Victor Torres
Soule Restaurant: The Buzz
In these difficult economic times, many are forced to choose between a winter coat and food. Join Soulé and New York Cares in helping to warm New Yorkers in need by contributing an unused winter coat at our donation center located at Soulé… CONGRATULATIONS YANKEES, ON THE 27TH WORLD SERIES WIN…The unemployment rate 10.2 percent last week. We haven’t hit that high since the Reagan era… According to the Health Department, just one in five kids signed up for a free swine flu vaccine since the city began offering it in elementary schools last month… A crazy man stripped naked in front of PS 56 in Clinton Hill on Election Day and ranted to a group of campaign workers that he was the son of Jesus Christ… Congratulations Councilmember Letitia James! The Honorable Councilmember won the recent election, holding her seat as representative of the 35th District in a landslide 92.3% victory… The Fort Greene and Dumbo-based Brooklyn Flea will make its first foray into Manhattan on Black Friday, launching a month-long "Gifted" holiday market in the East Village… Sixty-five residential buildings in central Brooklyn, (some in Clinton Hill), are financially troubled, on the verge of distress or struggling to sell out remaining units, according to a recent survey conducted by Democratic Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries… New parking rules in Clinton Hill and Fort Greene are in effect. Drivers have had a reprieve while signs were being replaced, and that is now over… The judge who ruled on the repeal of term limits for Bloomberg has passed away at the age of 74… Bobby Brown has an upcoming concert? Is it a competition with Whitney? Sorry, Bobby… No one can deny the mayor has made big changes in the New York City school system but debate still swirls around how effective his policies have been…
Oct 5, 2009
Soule Restaurant: Whistling Through Life?
When a company hires you, it’s no favor. Good employees are valuable, and difficult to find, and the best companies are very aware of this fact.
Many companies can clearly demonstrate this understanding through their treatment of summer interns. They are worked pretty hard; however, managers will routinely mentor them, and after graduation, the company will often offer a full time position to these young adults.
It is never too early to think of summer internships. The best opportunities are generally offered to those who maintain good GPAs, so grades should be a priority from now. It is also important to begin cultivating relationships with professors who can offer letters of recommendation and networking with professionals who can keep you in the loop with regard to internships within their field.
Many companies have Human Resources professionals whose focus is solely on recruitment; you’ll find them at College career fairs. Make your attendance at these fairs habitual, and keep in mind that these fairs are essentially job interviews. Dress, speak and behave in a professional manner and carry updated resumes for distribution. If you lack experience, your resume should focus on education. Remember, you’re selling yourself, so don’t be shy.
Collect business cards from companies that pique your interest and follow up periodically. Networking is key.
There are so many who are employed in fields that are not of their choosing because they whistled through life, taking whatever opportunities they stumbled across with no clear direction. Grabbing opportunities as they arise is an excellent skill; however, helping to shape those opportunities through direction and focus is even better... and not all that difficult. Try it.
Soule Restaurant's Spotlight on the Dominican Republic
Christopher Columbus arrived in Quisqueya, (the original Taino name for the Dominican Republic) in 1492. He cultivated sugar plantations, and enslaved the native Tainos for labor. This decimated their population, and he subsequently imported Africans to work the island’s plantations.
The country’s history is turbulent, with control frequently changing between the Spanish, Haitian and the U.S. Today, they are an independent democracy that spans two thirds of an island shared with Haiti. Their ethnic composition is 73% mixed, 16% European, and 11% African; Spanish is the national language.
In 1866, U.S. troops stationed in Cuba taught the natives the rules of baseball. Cuban refugees bought the sport to the Dominican Republic where it became a national passion. Today, the MLB boasts many great athletes from the island.
The Dominican Republic is also a great provider of cigars. Although Cuban cigars are more recognized, the Dominican Republic is known globally by connoisseurs as Cigar Country due to the superior quality of their cigars.
Larimar is a stone unique to the Dominican Republic. It is cultivated from volcanic rock, and is frequently paired with amber, the country’s most popular gem that is actually a fossil; tree sap that has hardened after millions of years. These two gems are used to make beautiful jewelry that is distinctive to the island.
Soule International's October Calendar of Events
Thursday, October 1st & October 15th
7 – 11pm
BYO Karaoke Thursday
Stop by for Soulé’s BYO Karaoke Thursday, with music ranging from the 50’s to now! If you have specific music requests, please contact Nichole at and we will do our best to accommodate you!
Tuesday, October 6th
7:30pm – 10pm
Brain Damage Open Mic Series
The In-Progress Group presents its monthly Youth Open Mic at Soulé! This Brain Damage Series takes place on the first Tuesday of every month and features amazing teens and young adults from all backgrounds.
All are welcome! Come support our youth!
Saturday, October 10th
4pm – 6pm
Writer’s Workshop
The In Progress Group is hosting a free literary workshop for those interested in honing their writing skills, or just learning the basics.
To register, please contact Nichole at
Tuesday, October 13th
7pm – 11pm
Spoken Word Open Mic
Soulé’s Bi-Weekly Spoken Word Open Mic is still going strong! Be there early if you want to sit! Poets, please contact Nichole at to be included in the lineup!
Tuesday, October 20th
7pm – 11pm
Earth*Mama Tea Party Series
The Earth*Mama Tea Party Series continues to support the Palm Out Poverty initiative of All for Africa as well as a number of retail, artist, and design supporters. To be included in the Spoken Word Open Mic portion, please contact Nichole at
Monday, October 26th
7:30 – 11pm
Entrepreneurial Nonprofit Workshop
Terryl Ebony of will host a workshop teaching the ins-and-outs of starting your own nonprofit company! Appetizers and drinks are included with entry. Please contact Nichole at for details!
7 – 11pm
BYO Karaoke Thursday
Stop by for Soulé’s BYO Karaoke Thursday, with music ranging from the 50’s to now! If you have specific music requests, please contact Nichole at and we will do our best to accommodate you!
Tuesday, October 6th
7:30pm – 10pm
Brain Damage Open Mic Series
The In-Progress Group presents its monthly Youth Open Mic at Soulé! This Brain Damage Series takes place on the first Tuesday of every month and features amazing teens and young adults from all backgrounds.
All are welcome! Come support our youth!
Saturday, October 10th
4pm – 6pm
Writer’s Workshop
The In Progress Group is hosting a free literary workshop for those interested in honing their writing skills, or just learning the basics.
To register, please contact Nichole at
Tuesday, October 13th
7pm – 11pm
Spoken Word Open Mic
Soulé’s Bi-Weekly Spoken Word Open Mic is still going strong! Be there early if you want to sit! Poets, please contact Nichole at to be included in the lineup!
Tuesday, October 20th
7pm – 11pm
Earth*Mama Tea Party Series
The Earth*Mama Tea Party Series continues to support the Palm Out Poverty initiative of All for Africa as well as a number of retail, artist, and design supporters. To be included in the Spoken Word Open Mic portion, please contact Nichole at
Monday, October 26th
7:30 – 11pm
Entrepreneurial Nonprofit Workshop
Terryl Ebony of will host a workshop teaching the ins-and-outs of starting your own nonprofit company! Appetizers and drinks are included with entry. Please contact Nichole at for details!
Soule Restaurant's Latest Menu Offering
Soule Restaurant: Spirits of the Caribbean!
The name Halloween is a Catholic creation; a corruption of All Hallow’s Eve, which was originally celebrated by the Irish (or Celtics) in Ireland, the U.K. and France.
November 1st was their New Year, and they believed that on its Eve, the boundary between the world of the living and dead became blurred, allowing spirits to return to Earth.
The Celtics would extinguish their hearths to discourage spirits from visiting them and then don ghoulish costumes, parading around the neighborhood to frighten away spirits looking for bodies to possess.
During the potato famine, Irish immigrants bought these customs to the U.S., and their celebration blended together with the Christian All Souls Day, where Christians would walk from village to village begging for Soul Cakes, creating the custom of trick or treat.
The current American adaptation of Halloween is typified by costumed fetes and scary tales of mythical or supernatural beings.
Trinidad’s folklore includes several creatures that fit nicely in the realm of America’s Halloween tales. However, these creatures are believed to truly exist by many in the islands.
One tragic figure of Caribbean lore is called a Douen (DWEN). It is said that Douen are spirits of children who died before being baptized. Their feet are turned backwards and they have no face. They wander near rivers and lure away young children, who see them only as another child, into the forest. Douens are believed to visit villages at night, whimpering for their mothers’ love.
The Soucouyant, (SOO-KIN-YA), is the chilling Caribbean version of the vampire. She has made a pact with the devil, and sheds her skin at night so she can travel in the form of a fireball in order to find someone from whom she can feed.
A Soucouyant’s bite looks like a bruise with two punctures in its center, and if you find a Soucouyant’s skin and pour course salt onto it, she will be unable to put it on again. She can then be killed by tossing her skinless body into boiling pitch or tar.
Another fearful creature is the La Diablesse (LA-JAH-BLESS). She is a beautiful woman with eyes of coal and the face of a corpse, which she hides beneath a wide-brimmed hat and veil. The La Diablesse attends dances dressed in beautiful ruffled blouses and full skirts to hide her one cloven foot.
She is always disliked by the women and loved by the men; she enchants them, luring them away into the woods where they subsequently fall into a ravine or river to their death.
Men found naked in graveyards or in a prickly tree are also said to be victims of the La Diablesse.
Papa Bois (PAPA BOY-AH) is the guardian of animals and trees. He will not tolerate killing for sport nor the destruction of the forest.
Papa Bois is muscular, with cloven hoofs and leaves growing from his beard, and if you should meet him, always be very polite. Greet him with “Bon jour, vieux Papa.”
Stay cool, and do not look at his feet... you’ll be fine.
Happy Halloween!
Soule Restaurant: Skiing for a Cause!
Local Productions along with eight other promotional companies across the east and west coast will be hosting a Winter Weekend Getaway on February 26th to February 28th, 2010 with scheduled fundraising events to benefit The American Cancer Society.
After a four year hiatus, Brooklyn based Local Production has united with eight other entertainment companies from Boston, Philadelphia, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, Florida and California to host the First Annual Winter Weekend Getaway with a Cause.
Each of the promotional companies will be tasked with creating their own fundraising event to be held that weekend. The group’s goal is to raise a minimum of $5000 for the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition.
The all inclusive getaway includes accommodations at the Holiday Inn Harrisburg East in Harrisburg PA, live concert by Grammy nominated artists Musiq Soulchild and Trey Songz and Grammy award winning artist Chrisette Michelle, various parties and an open bar. Plans range from $339 per person to $379 per person.
For further information or to make a donation, please contact Bernard Mayers For more information on how to donate directly to the NOCC, go to
Soule Restaurant: Christopher Columbus' Legacy
Christopher Columbus is celebrated in the U.S. as its discoverer. Yet, North American and the Caribbean were already settled by hundreds of native tribes before his arrival.
History books portray Columbus and the early American settlers as somewhat pious, surrounded by savages. However, Columbus wrote that the natives were gentle and shared their food stores with them, even after realizing that their graves and stores had already been raided by the newcomers.
The fact is, history is written by the victor, and consequently, the victor is depicted in an honorable light, despite the atrocities he may have committed in pursuit of his goal.
In regard to Columbus, find out the true story. Check out The Lies My Teacher Told, by James W. Loewen... Very enlightening.
Soule Restaurant's Food Fact: Pumpkin
Pumpkin is part of the gourd or cucurbit family and is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. It also contains potassium, manganese, copper and one of the B vitamins, riboflavin. In its raw state, it helps to maintain good eyesight and a healthy immune system.
Its seeds are a popular snack that is simply bursting with nutritional value.
Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of carbohydrates, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. They contain most of the B vitamins, along with C, D, E, and K and possess the minerals calcium, potassium, niacin, and phosphorous.
Pumpkin seeds have been used to treat prostate and bladder problems, but they have also been known to help with depression and learning disabilities.
In many cultures, they are used as a natural remedy for tapeworms and parasites.
They also lower cholesterol due to their high level of phytosterols, which are also known to protect against many cancers.
So, when you prepare your pumpkin pies, soups and breads this holiday season, don’t neglect the seeds!
They’re a veritable treasure!
Soule Restaurant: Happy Halloween! ...and Breast Cancer Awareness Month
It’s Fall!
Summer is over. Good.
I am not a fan of the summer months. My theory is that in the summer, you can be newborn naked and still hot.
AC on. STILL hot.
In the winter, you can be cold. Throw on another sweater. BAM! Warmth.
Or date big women like I do.
The end of this month is my least favorite "holiday": Halloween.
The reason it’s in quotes? As per that great philosopher…
Well… ME…
If your job ain't closed, it ain't a holiday.
I hate beg for crap day. 364 days out of the year, these little kids don't say anything to you. But when the time to knock on your door and ask for candy comes, these kids act like they helped old people across the street and carried old ladies’ groceries across a crowded boulevard while carrying said old lady on their back.
The good thing about Halloween?
Last year, I was Angry Man With A Beard.
This year?
Angrier Man With A Longer Beard.
I'm writing this on the Red Line to Shady Grove in Maryland.
* Shout out to my DMV folk out there!
And before I got on the bus, I saw a couple of women carrying pink balloons, screaming, "Be aware! Breast cancer awareness!"
They had everyone very well aware.
‘Cause they were topless.
Sans top.
Sans brassier.
This article finishes itself.
Support Breast Cancer Awareness.
I do.
...Victor Torres
It’s Fall!
Summer is over. Good.
I am not a fan of the summer months. My theory is that in the summer, you can be newborn naked and still hot.
AC on. STILL hot.
In the winter, you can be cold. Throw on another sweater. BAM! Warmth.
Or date big women like I do.
The end of this month is my least favorite "holiday": Halloween.
The reason it’s in quotes? As per that great philosopher…
Well… ME…
If your job ain't closed, it ain't a holiday.
I hate beg for crap day. 364 days out of the year, these little kids don't say anything to you. But when the time to knock on your door and ask for candy comes, these kids act like they helped old people across the street and carried old ladies’ groceries across a crowded boulevard while carrying said old lady on their back.
The good thing about Halloween?
Last year, I was Angry Man With A Beard.
This year?
Angrier Man With A Longer Beard.
I'm writing this on the Red Line to Shady Grove in Maryland.
* Shout out to my DMV folk out there!
And before I got on the bus, I saw a couple of women carrying pink balloons, screaming, "Be aware! Breast cancer awareness!"
They had everyone very well aware.
‘Cause they were topless.
Sans top.
Sans brassier.
This article finishes itself.
Support Breast Cancer Awareness.
I do.
...Victor Torres
Soule Restaurant: The Buzz
Soulé International is holding a coat drive for Coats for Kids this winter! Information and the drop box will be available at Soulé shortly... Jerry Seinfeld's new reality show set up a casting tent at the Brooklyn Flea Saturday, hoping to attract couples who want to air their dirty laundry on TV. Perhaps wisely, locals weren't biting, and only about a half dozen couples stopped by the casting tent for "The Marriage Ref" at the Fort Greene market... Congratulations, Councilwoman Letitia James for winning last month’s election... Fort Green Park doesn’t exist, according to the MTA map... Pratt institute has decided to demap portions of Ryerson St, Grand Ave and Steuben St, on what is now the Pratt Institute campus, “in order that the closed street areas may be integrated with abutting property of Pratt Institute for redevelopment for educational purposes.”... Clinton Hill resident Amy Oztan visits movie set in Brooklyn and takes pictures for her blog, 'Filming in Brooklyn,’ where she posts movie locations in Brooklyn. Her latest is a shot of Salma Hayek in a guest spot on NBC's '30 Rock' in Cadman Plaza Park... Jamaican reggae artist Major Mackerel was recently slashed in the head and arms with a sword in East Flatbush. Goodness... What possessed protestors from the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS to come to Brooklyn preaching fire and brimstone? Protestors with anti-Semitic, anti-Obama, and anti-homosexual signs were outnumbered by about 30 to 1 in September as they protested downtown Brooklyn and Park Slope. The Topeka group, which included children encountered counter-protestors at every turn bearing placards that read, “Jesus had 2 dads” and “We say NO! to Racism, Anti-Semitism, Homophobia and Hate.”... You know, sometimes being a Brooklynite just makes me proud…
Sep 11, 2009
Soule Restaurant: Biology or Basketball?
It’s Back to School time!
The “!” might be a bit too enthusiastic for many back-to-schoolers, but there’s a good way to get your kids back into the groove.
Extracurricular activities.
There are many who believe that extracurricular activities distract children from their studies, which is where the “dumb jock” stereotype originated.
Studies show, however, that children who participate in extracurricular activities tend to perform better than nonparticipants, and nurture a more favorable outlook towards school.
Sports and Fine Arts promote citizenship and sportsmanship, as well as instilling a sense of pride in community while teaching the value of teamwork and self-discipline.
They provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, and allow students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context with regard to responsibility, competition, diversity, and a sense of culture and community.
Studies that focused on the U.S., as well as individual states including New York, Wyoming, Indiana, New Mexico, Colorado, North Carolina, and Texas all reached similar conclusions: Students who participate in activity programs tend to have higher GPAs, better attendance records, lower dropout rates, fewer disciplinary problems, and frequently continue on to earn degrees in higher education.
Participants are three times more likely to perform in the top quartile on a composite math and reading assessment, compared with nonparticipants, and tend to have higher self-esteem and enhanced status among peers, which many argue is a deterrent to antisocial behavior.
So… Biology or basketball?
One option is definitely not mutually exclusive of the other.
Soule Restaurant's Spotlight on BELIZE
Although officially a part of Central America, Belizeans enjoy the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean as well as the jungles of Central America.
Most Belizeans are of multiracial descent, with almost 44% of mixed Mayan and European descent, and 30% of African and Afro-European descent. The remaining percentage encompasses Mayan, Afro-Amerindian, European, East Indian, Chinese and North American cultures.
Belize’s terrain is flat and swampy at the coastline with low mountains in the interior. The 200-mile Belize Reef encompasses many small islands called Cayes, popular amongst kayakers and snorkelers.
Inland lies several ruins of the Ancient Mayan Civilizations, with pyramids reminiscent of those in Egypt.
The most popular, Lamanai, means submerged crocodile in the Mayan language. Set atop the western bluff of the new River Lagoon in a pristine rainforest, Lamanai is the 3rd largest archaeological site in Belize.
Belize attracts tourists interested in exploring the ruins which lie in the dense tropical rainforests, bird watchers in the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary and snorkelers of Caye Caulker on the Northern Cayes.
Soule Restaurant's Latest Menu Offering: Jerk Snapper
Soule Restaurant's September Calendar of Events
Sundays, 11am – 3pm
Sunday Brunch
Soulé's Signature Caribbean & Southern-Style Sunday Brunch is the perfect family tradition. Spend a late morning with family over Southern Fried Chicken with Waffles, delicious Jamaican Ackee & Saltfish, or American Eggs with Bacon and Toast.
There’s something to suit even the most discriminate palate!
Tuesday, September 1st
7:30 – 10:30pm BRAIN DAMAGE Youth Open Mic
The In-Progress Group presents its first monthly Youth Open Mic at Soulé! This Brain Damage Series will take place on the first Tuesday of every month and will feature amazing teens and young adults from all backgrounds.
Tuesday, September 22nd & September 29th
8 - 11pm
Spoken Word Open Mic
Soulé’s Bi-Weekly Spoken Word Open Mic will skip a week and take place on September 15th in consideration of Back-to School and Labor Day, followed by its regurlarly scheduled event on Tuesday, September 22nd.
Please contact Nichole at to be included in the lineup!
Thursday, September 17th & September 24th
7 – 11pm
BYO Karaoke Thursdays at Soulé
Come Celebrate the ‘90s at the original Soulé BYO Karaoke Thursday! Our collection is getting pretty extensive—please notify us in advance of special requests and we’ll try to accommodate you!
Sunday, September 20th
5 – 8pm
Author Spotlight & Book Signing featuring Justinah McFadden
Four-time author Justinah McFadden epitomizes the American poetic dream which has awakened on the pages of her books.
Her latest release, A Diary of Time is about forgiveness and letting go of the past. Her books are all available at Barnes and Noble. For more information log on to
Wednesday, September 23rd
7:30pm - 11pm
Earth*Mama Tea Party Series
The first of the Earth*Mama Tea Party Series will provide an opportunity to support the Palm Out Poverty initiative of All for Africa as well as a number of retail, artist, and design supporters.
Sunday, September 27th
5 – 8pm
Author Spotlight & Book Signing featuring Onika Pascal
This silent poet and lover of words expresses her thoughts and See Through Soul in her second release, Bardvillian Symphonies!
Don’t miss the talented Onika Pascal on Sunday September 27th from 5 – 8pm, as she shares some of her latest work!
To be included in the Open Mic portion of the reading, please contact Nichole at Slots are limited, so please reserve your place early!
Soule Restaurant Food Facts: Mushrooms
One popular belief that bears no truth is that mushrooms have no nutritional value.
Yet, mushrooms have been used for thousands of years for their medicinal powers.
They remain popular in China, particularly for their health benefits, and in ancient times were prized by the Pharoahs’, Greeks and Romans as delicacies and for energy before battles.
Mushrooms are often misclassified as a vegetable or herb, but in actuality, they are part of the fungi family.
They are relatively high in protein, and are often used by vegetarians as a meat substitute due to this quality and its somewhat meaty texture. They are also an excellent source of potassium, which helps to lower elevated blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. Other nutrients include riboflavin, niacin and selenium.
Even more interesting, Phytochemicals found in some mushrooms are now being studied as possible cancer-fighting substances, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.
Summer is at an end… as much as I love the warm weather, I have to admit: I love autumn in New England!
The trees are beautiful, with leaves in vibrant reds and golds, and there’s a slight nip in the air that begins immediately after Labor Day, like clockwork. The anticipation of the impending holidays is pretty exciting as well.
My brothers and I have an annual tradition of taking the kids on a family outing to a farm in Princeton at this time of the year. It’s a bit of a drive, but definitely worth it. We always select a brisk, sunny day, and the first thing we do upon arrival is visit the corn maze, where we pick a few ears of corn, which we then feed to the sheep and goats.
We don’t spend much time listening to the live country band; rather, we take time to check out the chrysanthemums and collect sunflower seeds from the sunflowers.
Afterwards, we tour the barn, which is decorated in different autumn themes every year, like Johnny Appleseed or the History of Corn.
Finally, we pick our pumpkins before stopping at the country farmhouse store for some sweet apple cider, warm apple cider donuts, and fresh pumpkin or apple pies. Then we head to the orchard.
The orchard is about a mile down the road from the farm, and it is the coolest place ever! (Although many argue that I’m not a very good judge of cool.)
The apple trees are about 7 feet tall and the branches are low enough even for my 2-year old niece to pick.
I prefer the Golden Delicious, but we all meander through the orchard, picking indiscriminately, eating crisp, juicy apples along the way.
By the time our bags are full, we’re all contentedly weary, and we say our goodbyes and prepare for the drive home.
This isn’t the end, however. We still have to make Jack O’Lanterns and apple pies, and pumpkin mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, and of course, roasted pumpkin seeds. It’s so autumn-y and cozy and fun!
So on brisk autumn days when my sister calls me from Trinidad to boast that she’s sitting on the beach in Maracas, eating a bake and shark and drinking a Stag, I don’t feel bad.
Well… not very.
Soule Restaurant: Help to Eradicate the Silent Killer
Ovarian Cancer occurs in 1 in 57 women, and kills more women than all the other gynecological cancers combined. More than 25,500 women will be diagnosed this year alone, with fatalities occurring in over 14,500.
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and Soulé International Restaurant is proud to join Janice’s Ladies; a team in the Long Island Chapter of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, in their fight to eradicate this Silent Killer.
The team is named for Janice Darby Havercombe, who succumbed to Ovarian Cancer in April of 1997.
Like many, Janice’s family had no idea that Ovarian Cancer is a leading cause of cancer related death amongst women.
They had no idea that Ovarian Cancer is commonly asymptomatic or mistaken for other "women's illnesses".
They had no idea that by the time most women are diagnosed, they are usually in stage 3 or 4, making a cure difficult.
They had no idea that regular gynecological exams do not screen for Ovarian Cancer.
They had no idea that a fleeting nine months after receiving the diagnosis, their beloved mother, sister, cousin, daughter, would succumb to this horrible disease.
They had no idea how much their life would change due to these four vile words "You have Ovarian Cancer".
The 2009 Walk to Break the Silence on Ovarian Cancer will take place on September 26th at Eisenhower Park in East Meadow, New York.
Details on this year’s walk is available at, where you have the option to join Janice’s Ladies and walk or donate at your convenience.
All contributors who donate a minimum of $20 at Soulé will receive 10% off their order. (Lesser donations will receive a 5% discount.)
For further information, please contact Nichole at
Soule Restaurant: Back to School... Tattoos?
I'm gettin' old.
It’s gettin' ugly.
Disturbingly ugly.
I found three gray hairs in my beard; in different locations so they definitely stood out.
I got out of bed the other day and my knee cracked.
The extent of my exercise is a sit-up a day: half when I get up out of bed, the other half when I lay down.
I had my 1st prostate exam, but I will definitely spare you all the details.
It’s back to school time!
Back to losing your seat on the bus and train. Back to hearing the latest Jay Z album (eh) or Raekwon's album (bananas!) out of a kid's headphones.
I was on the bus this Tuesday, the first day the refrigerator raiders of the summer were heading back to school, and I couldn’t help but think...
When I was younger, we were always happy with our new school clothes.
In Junior High, I used to try on my clothes a couple of days before school started, and walk around to picture how I’d look trying to get a chick’s phone number.
Thinking I was fly.
(Looking fly beat out phone number by A LOT).
Well, while I was on the bus listening to stories of summer conquests and vacations, I watched kids compare their back to school... TATTOOS.
That is not a typo.
I remember at the tender age of 14, I asked my mom for an earring.
After I awoke from the clothesline ala Big John Studd style, (my father), I waited a few years to get that earring.
Tattoos on a high school kid?
Next, you're gonna tell me that 6-year olds have cell phones and iPods.
Wait... They do?
...Victor Torres
Soule Restaurant: The Buzz...
The National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center is scouring the world for amateur footage of the attacks…Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries wants to bail out luxury apartment developers in his district with new loans that would turn the high-end units into “affordable” residences... Spike Lee’s Michael Jackson Birthday bash was a complete success with thousands coming out to celebrate Jackson’s life... Speaking of MJ, The MTA told a Brooklyn councilwoman to beat it after she suggested that the Hoyt-Schermerhorn subway station be renamed in honor of Michael Jackson, who famously filmed his “Bad” video there in 1987... It’s Fashion Week! Check out highlights online with New York Magazine and Fashion Week Daily... The $100 laptop that was marketed as a saving grace for starving children in Africa is on its way to the New York City public schools. The first round of low-cost laptops is going to two city elementary schools, one in the Bronx, P.S. 5, and one in the Clinton Hill section of Brooklyn, P.S. 20... Delia Hunnly has resorted to hiring children (none older than 16) to antagonize and heckle Latitia James’ workers. It appears that her tactics have backfired, however, with Clinton Hill residents supporting Ms. James largely due to Hunnly’s unprofessionalism... The worst part of the West Indian Day Parade this year? The NYPD. When did they become so nasty and rude?
Jul 31, 2009
Soule Restaurant: Get That Job!
With almost 16 million people out of work, job competition is fierce. The consensus is that no one is hiring; however, most companies are not out of business. The number of positions available are limited, but they do exist.
There are many things you can do to give yourself an edge in this market. It is important to remain positive and diligent in your search, but keep these tips in mind:
Focus. Applying for jobs for which you’re not qualified is a waste of time and effort. However, don’t be unwilling to accept a pay cut or less benefits for something in your field. Getting a foot in the door is much more valuable in this economy.
Don’t rely solely on the internet for your job search. Job search databases are flooded with resumes; and so, footwork is a requisite.
Contact the companies in which you’re interested in working. They sometimes have positions available that are not made readily available to the public.
Research the company and position of interest and tailor your cover letter to suit that position. Your résumé should also highlight the qualities you’re bringing to the company rather than ones that are irrelevant.
If you get an interview, you already have the qualifications needed for the position. The key is to sell yourself; make them see that they need you.
The interview begins when you arrive. Arrive early and be courteous to everyone, including the receptionist.
Always dress in a neat and professional manner. Even if told to dress casually, wearing a nice suit will make a great impression.
Be attentive during the interview; keep eye contact with your interviewer and turn your cell phone off.
Don’t speak badly of any of your former employers. Focus on what you can bring to the company with whom you’re interviewing.
Bring questions. When you don’t ask questions at the end, it appears that you’re not interested in the position.
After the interview, send a thank you note, either by email or a handwritten card in the mail. This is common practice as well as common courtesy.
Following up with a call after a few days is fine. Calling and emailing constantly or stopping by the office is not.
Don’t stop your job search while waiting for the company to respond. The worst thing that can happen from interviewing with other companies is that you receive multiple offers.
But really… does that sound like a problem to you?
Soule Restaurant's Spotlight on BARBADOS!
Barbados is the Caribbean island that lies the furthest east; it is unique in that it was created by the merging of two land masses by volcanic action. The island is primarily flat, gently sloping inward to a central highland region, and is famous for its pristine white sand beaches.
Although Barbados was originally inhabited by Arawaks, and then Caribs, the island was deserted upon the arrival of England in 1627. England imported slaves and began cultivating tobacco and cotton, and later, sugarcane.
Its population now consists of 90% black, 4% white and 6% Asian and mixed descent, and Barbadians or Bajans (colloquial pronunciation), are known for being exceptionally friendly and generous.
August is a festive time for Barbados, with the finale of the country’s five-week summer festival called Crop Over. Historically, Crop Over marked the end of the sugar season, when a festival was held to celebrate the sugarcane harvest. With the decline of the Barbados sugar industry in the ‘40’s, the traditional Crop Over festival came to an end. The tradition was revived in 1974 and infused with other elements of Barbadian culture to produce the current extravaganza that attracts revelers from all over the world.
Soule Restaurant's August Calendar of Events
Sundays, 11am – 3pm
Sunday Brunch
Soulé's Signature Caribbean & Southern-Style Sunday Brunch is the perfect family tradition. Spend a late morning with family over Southern Fried Chicken with Waffles, delicious Jamaican Ackee & Saltfish, or American Eggs with Bacon and Toast.
There’s something to suit even the most discriminate palate!
Tuesday, August 11th & 25th, 7pm – 11pm
Spoken Word Open Mic
Welcome to Soulé's bi-weekly Spoken Word Spotlight!
Stop in to hear the collective creative vibes of local poets, or share your work!
Please contact Nichole at to be listed in the lineup.
Thursdays, 6pm – 11pm
BYOB Karaoke at Soulé
Soulé’s new weekly BYOB Karaoke Thursdays begins on August 13th with a Blast from the ‘80’s! Be prepared to croon with Pat Benetar and Cyndi Lauper, Billy Joel and Whitney Houston!
*80’s gear not required, but it would be pretty cool…
Sunday, August 23th, 7pm – 10pm
Poetry Reading & Book Signing
Onika Pascal, talented poet and author of A See Through Soul will share some of her poetry from her new release, Bardvillian Symphonies at a Reading and Book Signing at Soulé International from 7 – 10pm.
The mic will also be open to those who want to share their work, so bring your poetry and pens, and join us!
Poets, please contact Nichole at to be included in the lineup.
Sunday, August 30th, 7pm – 10pm
Resumé Development Workshop & Book Signing
Andrea Mosley, author of The Pink Slip: Human Resources Secrets for the Displaced Worker will host a Résumé Development Workshop and Book Signing at Soulé International from 7 – 10pm.
Andrea has over 15 years experience in the Human Resources arena, and has found that in this depressed economy, competition for jobs is fierce; her book outlines specifics on resumé revision, as well as methods of reentering the job market. Don’t miss this opportunity for a personalized consultation with this knowledgeable young woman!
Soule Restaurant's Food Facts: GINGER
Ginger is well-known in the Caribbean for its effect on the digestive tract. It is frequently used to eliminate the nausea from stomach virus’ as well as the morning sickness of pregnancy. However, its healing powers are well-known in Eastern societies as well.
Pythagorus was one of the greatest supporters of ginger in Ancient Greece, and King Henry VIII of England used it to protect against the plague. (Although its effectiveness with the plague remains unclear.)
In India, ginger is consumed on a daily basis in a lemon, honey and ginger tea, made by peeling and cutting a two-inch piece of ginger into thin strips and letting them sit in a cup of hot water with fresh honey and lemon; delicious, despite its healthy qualities.
Ginger prevents motion sickness just as well as Dramamine, and prevents migraines as would aspirin. Like aspirin, it also thins the blood, improving circulation.
It is used for heartburn, stomach cramps, and as an anti-inflammatory, relieving the pain of arthritis
One interesting study found that ginger induces cell death in ovarian cancer cells, and slows the progression of colon cancer.
Ginger does not interact with any other nutrients or drugs in the body. However, it should not be taken up to four days prior to surgery due to its blood thinning effect.
Soule Restaurant: Having a Picnic? Take Us Along!
Try Soule's Latest Menu Offering: Sweet & Sour Shrimp
Soule Restaurant: Workout... For the Bedroom?
“The most erotic dancer I ever saw was a 250 pound Jewish girl wearing braces, who, as she got up to dance, just floated… I was awestruck; dumbfounded by her beauty. This is when I realized that it doesn’t matter what you look like; it’s about how you move your body... when those hips moved, the men were riveted.”
Sheila Kelley, Founder of S Factor Fitness
Working out is effective when done consistently, but sometimes, it’s just not fun. For those who need more motivation, there is a solution.
Pole Dancing!
In preparation for a movie role as a stripper, Sheila Kelley became more fit than ever, as well as more comfortable with her body. Inspired, she created S Factor; a fitness method that incorporates ballet and yoga into pole dancing. Her method encourages more overtly sexual behavior, inspiring women to have more confidence in their curves.
Embraced in Hollywood and backed by many, including Teri Hatcher, Kate Hudson and Oprah Winfrey, classes are now available in New York. An Intro to Pole Dancing class teaches the basics before moving to Climb & Spin class.
One of the first moves you’ll learn is the Walk Around; simple, but very sexy. With shoulders pulled back and butt and chest out, hold the pole in the crook of your arm and strut slowly and with confidence around the pole.
Another is called the Bridge. Hold the pole with one hand and straddle it while slowly bending your knees and arching your back, easing backwards until you can see the person behind you.
The erotic Ripple is done holding the pole with one hand and leaning forward with your shoulders, butt out. Move your stomach forward until it touches the pole, and pull your shoulders back until the pole is between your legs in slow motion.
The Leg Grip is harder than it looks; hold the pole with both hands and jump onto it, gripping it between your thighs, while extending one leg and spinning.
The Reverse Hold is done by grasping the pole with both hands, arms extended above your head. Hook the pole in the bend of your right leg and cross your feet behind you, spinning slowly and seductively.
These moves don’t sound very athletic, but they work.
They’re also a pretty cool way to spice up your personal life… did I mention you can get a portable pole for a really good price?
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